When the last dish has been washed after Thanksgiving dinner, we run to the tree lot. A stubborn crew, my family. We have chosen the path of fresh tree and garlands. If you’ve ever tried this, you know not to buy your fresh Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. Inevitably it will be crispy and crumbly by the time Santa arrives. But we can’t wait! And now I can share my fully decorated home with you just shy of December first!
Among my tippy top Instagram friends I admire, Jackie Hempel of Finding Lovely has the home I really think I could just hop in to and live happily ever after. She has a magic touch, and shares truly inspirational imagery of her beautiful space. When she asked me to do a home tour, um, YES. Join our Coastal Home Tour along with Rachel of Cultivated Life Blog, and Laura of Willow Street Interiors. If you’ve found me from these lovelies, hello! Thanks for joining.
I am a recently transplanted Cali girl living family life on the coast of New England. I LOVE it here. Seriously. Love it. Totally smitten with the seasons, the historic architecture, and very specifically my old 1890 Victorian Home. We moved in November of last year so this is our second Christmas here.
Color Palette: I was craving neutrals so the house is layered in textures, specifically furs and blankets have been added to every room. Honestly, I am under blankets in the summer, so forget about it in the winter! Everywhere! I’ve swapped out my normal blue mud cloth pillows for a muted palette. I love fresh greens, which are incorporated throughout the home. I added some felt ball garlands, a touch of shiny, and some “vapor” blue ribbon to carry a simple theme throughout our spaces. I love the sense of continuity seeing some twists on the same palette from room to room.
Our kitchen renovation just wrapped up, so I kept it very clean in here to enjoy the new vibe. Green branches cut from the yard, poinsettias & orchids, and trees of various materials and sizes accent the kitchen.
This sweet little room is the only one with a fireplace. We end up here most nights in the winter to enjoy a fire, and really because its the only couch that Millie is allowed to lie on. I’ve carried through the fresh garland, vapor blue ribbon, and layered neutral textures.
The Living Room, Dining Room, & Entry now enjoy the same open space after a recent renovation. The dining room buffet became the main focal point with a 5 foot mirror, grand chandelier and a long farm table. I treat the styling of the buffet as I would a mantle. My table is informally set as I prep for an open house style buffet this Christmas eve. Testing out the deconstructed setting to be loaded up with drinks and food.
In the living room, I stuck to my guns with white couches. My favorite part of white couches, is the ability to change them up from season to season or from trend to trend based on my whims. All cozy neutrals for this holiday. My tree is an ornament hodge podge of various Christmas collections. The last couple of years I’ve added a bit more white so that whatever palette I am in to each year, can come through with ribbon and some minor additions.
I always like to see what house I am peeking into, here’s a look at our old Victorian. Throwing it back to a snow storm last year, because its looking so winter wonderlandy. I am stalking the weatherman for our first real doozy of a snow storm this year!
Wish I could pour you some wine and have you all over for a proper tour! Until I figure out how to make that happen, follow along on IG as I continue to share the rest of our holiday house. Most importantly continue the inspiration by stopping by the amazing homes of my fellow bloggers joining me on today’s Coastal Holiday Home Tour!
Enjoy their stunning home tours & wishing you a sparkly start to your holiday season!

[…] Jenny | Palm and Prep […]
Jenny this is so magical! I love every room in your house and that kitchen! Oh my goodness, so beautiful my friend. Thank you for joining us!
Jenny, I love Every detail right down to the birch tree coasters that match the beautiful tray on the island. Seeing your Christmas decor was like being in a dream! My tree is decorated, but I stalled at finishing the house, as this year I’m continuing last years goal: it’s out with the old and in with the new, softer Christmas look, and didn’t know where to go with it. You’ve given me so much inspiration here, so thank you for sharing.
Jenny, I’m so happy to have found you through this tour! Your home is pure inspiration! Could that mantel be any more beautiful or cozy?! Just perfect. xoxo
I can’t wait to spend the holidays here! Simple, elegant perfect!!