Oct 5, 2017

Oh hello! If you just found me after falling down your own rabbit hole of ORC discovery here’s a quick download on life over here. This summer we sold our house and cars, my business, and all of our furniture. My hubby, twins and I left our nearly two decade San Diego city life for […]

Aug 30, 2017

The last room of the Front Street house to complete was the sunroom. For three years it remained the left-over room, a storage room, a place for the kids junk. Finally one day Brian gave me a meager budget ($2,000) to re-style the space and I happily accepted the challenge. One of the biggest lessons […]

Aug 21, 2017

(We bought our house from California. B did not see the house we purchased until the day we arrived, here’s his first spotting of our new home) In the thick of it here. My brain is on overload from a long list of happy décor decisions to make. This favorite chair I’ve always coveted, or […]

Aug 11, 2017

Hello Friends! How do you begin on day one, blog one, post one?  I know whomever reads this, you likely know me, right?  Lets be honest I am starting with a viewership of 5. What do I have to offer a totally talented, completely saturated, already amazing design world?  Seriously?  That’s the question I keep […]